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Sunday, October 31, 2010


The background history of Abortion goes back to the 1800's when laws forbid the act after 16 weeks of conception. By the early 1900's the act was completely outlawed but even at that, women were still having abortions. Back then the procedure was very unsafe but even with the risks involved there were those who still sought after unscrupulous physicians who would do the procedure. So when did abortion become legal? The procedure became legal in 1973 through a well known Supreme Court case. This ruling took precedence over state laws that banned abortion.
           In 1973, in the landmark case of Roe vs. Wade, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment to theRoe vs. Wade, abortion on demand, abortion law, Roe v Wade United States Constitution provided a fundamental right for women to obtain abortions.

Is abortion wrong if the fetus cannot feel pain?

Dr. Janice Crouse(arguing from a conservative side) believes that life begins a the time of conception while others believe that life doesnt begin until the egg develops into a fetus and it is able to feel pain. Monica Potts(arguing from a liberal side) says: conservatives use fetal pain to prove that abortion is wrong. Liberals say that abortion is more of a public health issue. Women are hurting themselves by getting back-alley abortions and whatnot. They also say that most abortions are done early in pregnancy before the fetus is actually a baby. It all boils down to the womans rights or the baby's rights!

I, myself, am more pro-life than anything. Yes i understand that there are some circumstances where it easy to consider abortion but there are other alternatives such as adoption. Whether the fetus can feel the pain or not doesn't matter. Once it is conceived, it has a right to its life just as much as you do to yours! If someone is paralyzed from the neck down, is it okay to kill them since they cant feel any pain? I didn't think so


  1. Jasmin I agree with you. If a woman is willing to engage in sex she should be aware of the consquences. I believe that even if the soon to be baby isnt a fetus yet it has no other support but the mothers choices, and ultimately abortion is death.The question is, is abortion death or murder?

  2. I agree with both of you. I definitely didn't like how the pro-choice lady said that women shouldn't be "held captive" in their own bodies because (most of the time)it's their choice to have sex and they should know what they're getting themselves into. And if they are raped or sexually assaulted, they should keep the baby because it's someone's life and if they don't want it after it's born, they can put the child up for adoption. Life is defined as the "distinguishing factor between organisms and inorganic objects, made obvious by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and adapting to their environment through internally originating changes". A fetus grows, is the result of production, and changes inside its mother. No matter what argument is given, a fetus is a life; taking that life is murder.
